We help
your platform
reach its potential

MomentumAI is a boutique platform consultancy. We help you adopt a Platform as a Product approach to build your next-generation platform.

What We Do

We provide consulting services for platform teams. By combining a product mindset with technical expertise we help you build a platform that supercharges the productivity of your app teams.

Platform as a Product

Platform Engineering

We pioneered the Platform-as-a-Product approach and will work with you to build a platform that delights app and compliance teams. We enable you to use Kratix to provide Everything as a Service (XaaS) and manage the fleet over time.

Developer Enablement

Working with your platform team, we meet with developers across your company to identify opportunities to improve their experience and productivity. Then, we build the necessary platform capabilities, enablement material, and train your developers.

Platform Technology

Kubernetes Engineering

We have worked with hundreds of customers to deploy Kubernetes at scale in production. We can join your team to deploy, scale, and maintain your platform leveraging our industry-leading Kubernetes expertise.

Cloud Foundry Engineering

We have worked with hundreds of customers to deploy, update, and scale their Cloud Foundry-based platforms. We can join your team to provide expertise in your use of Tanzu Application Service (TAS), Open Source Cloud Foundry, and other Cloud Foundry distributions.

AI-Native Platform

Developer Enablement

Developers across your company are leveraging AI to do their work, and increasingly integrating AI into the apps they build. We will work with you to ensure the responsible use of AI across your app portfolio by brokering AI access and delivering leading AI capabilities to your developers.

AI Inference on Kubernetes

Your developers expect to use AI in their apps, and we can help you deliver AI capabilities to your developers using Kubernetes. We will work with you to deploy Ollama to your Kubernetes platform, and ensure that your developers can easily access and use these capabilities.