MomentumAI and Syntasso Announce Partnership: Making Platform as a Product a Reality for Enterprises

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 by Joe Fitzgerald

Platform engineering teams today face immense pressure to deliver faster, reduce risk, and increase efficiency at scale. These challenges can be daunting, but there is a solution. At MomentumAI, we understand these needs and are excited to announce our partnership with Syntasso, the innovative team behind Kratix, a cutting-edge platform engineering framework.

Syntasso and MomentumAI

Many platform engineering teams struggle with bottlenecks, inconsistent processes, and the complexity of managing resources at scale. These issues slow down development, increase risk, and create inefficiencies that hinder growth.

MomentumAI and Syntasso have joined forces to guide platform engineering teams through these challenges. With our deep expertise and Syntasso’s revolutionary Kratix framework, we offer a clear plan to build best-in-class platforms. Kratix focuses on empowering platform engineers to build better platforms, and its unique features include:

  • Go Faster: By providing everything-as-a-service and self-service access to the resources your teams need, Kratix helps eliminate bottlenecks and accelerates development.
  • Reduce Risk: Incorporate key business processes consistently by codifying them across your organization, ensuring critical processes are applied uniformly.
  • Increase Efficiency: Manage resources as a fleet and automate the full lifecycle of your platform resources to reduce technical debt and operational overhead.

By adopting Kratix, your team can overcome the challenges that hinder growth and efficiency. Without a robust platform, your team will continue to face delays, increased risks, and inefficiencies that can jeopardize your business growth.

Our collaboration with Syntasso is built on trust, technical expertise, and a shared vision. Together, we offer enhanced platform engineering, tailored solutions, and long-term support, ensuring your platform’s success from day one to day two thousand and beyond.

Industry analysts and thought leaders such as Gartner, Thoughtworks, and the Team Topologies authors have recently advocated that the only way to build a successful platform is to treat it as an internal product. Joe Fitzgerald, CEO of MomentumAI, and Colin Humphreys, CEO of Syntasso, coauthored the original 2017 whitepaper that introduced and argued for the value of implementing Platform as a Product: Why You Should Treat Platform as a Product.

Kratix was designed from the ground up to enable teams to embrace a product mindset, and MomentumAI has a proven track record of building developer-focused platform products.

Our clients will have access to the most advanced platform engineering tools and expertise. Whether you are modernizing an existing platform, building a new one, or enhancing your platform management capabilities, our combined team is here to help you succeed.

Join us as we work to solve the Day 2000 Platform Problem, manage platforms at scale, and embrace the power of everything as a service (XaaS), including Database as a Service (DBaaS). Together, we will enable your teams to go faster, reduce risk, and scale efficiently. Schedule time with us to learn how MomentumAI and Syntasso can help you build a high-performance platform.

Use Service of Type LoadBalancer in Your Kind Clusters on Mac

Friday, 28 June 2024 by Caleb Washburn

While digging in on the first week of the new job here at MomentumAI I came across the cloud-provider-kind utility that allows you to add services of type LoadBalancer to a local kind cluster! Sounds great, right? 🎉

After I got it working Joe said:

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tray application that would allow me to see the LoadBalancers that are created and then click on them to open a browser window to the port?

So, I created this tray app to do just that. Love to hear your thoughts on it and if you have any ideas for improvements. PRs welcome! 🙏

Good riddence to NodePort and port forwarding. Next Up… packaging this up into a MacOS app 🍎. Stay tuned! 📺

Caleb Washburn Joins MomentumAI as CTO

Monday, 24 June 2024 by Joe Fitzgerald

Welcome Caleb

I am thrilled to announce that Caleb Washburn is joining MomentumAI as our Chief Technology Officer. With over 25 years of experience in software architecture and platform engineering, Caleb brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team. His extensive background includes deep expertise in Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, and Open Source technologies.

Caleb has demonstrated a remarkable passion for building internal developer platforms within enterprises throughout his career. His innovative approach and profound understanding of platform engineering have consistently driven success and transformation in every project he has led. At Tanzu Labs, he worked with hundreds of Pivotal and VMware customers, helping them adopt a Platform-as-a-Product approach to build their next-generation platforms.

At MomentumAI, Caleb will spearhead our technology strategy, focusing on empowering enterprises with cutting-edge internal developer platforms. His vision aligns perfectly with our mission to enable platform teams to build amazingly productive app platforms by adopting a product mindset.

Please join me in welcoming Caleb to MomentumAI. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as we push the boundaries of what’s possible in platform engineering and delivering Platform-as-a-Product.

Above all, Caleb is an incredible friend and mentor. Welcome aboard, Caleb!

19 June 2024
Zed Adds Support for Ollama

Added an Ollama Provider for the assistant. If you have Ollama running locally on your machine, you can enable it in your settings under:

"assistant": {
    "version": "1",
    "provider": {
      "name": "ollama",
      // Recommended setting to allow for model startup
      "low_speed_timeout_in_seconds": 30,

If you’re not aware of Zed, it’s a new multiplayer editor from Nathan Sobo and Max Brunsfeld. This time around they have taken their decade of experience and lessons learned from building Atom, Electron, and tree-sitter and written the editor in Rust. It is blazing fast and tailored for developers, with native language server support.

I have been using Zed every day for the past few months and I am excited to see the new Ollama provider, allowing for local inference as an alternative to ChatGPT. The Zed team have been making really rapid improvements to the product, and it feels like the perfect tool for developers and platform engineers to use when collaborating on code and infrastructure together.

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