Use Service of Type LoadBalancer in Your Kind Clusters on Mac

Friday, 28 June 2024 by Caleb Washburn

While digging in on the first week of the new job here at MomentumAI I came across the cloud-provider-kind utility that allows you to add services of type LoadBalancer to a local kind cluster! Sounds great, right? 🎉

After I got it working Joe said:

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tray application that would allow me to see the LoadBalancers that are created and then click on them to open a browser window to the port?

So, I created this tray app to do just that. Love to hear your thoughts on it and if you have any ideas for improvements. PRs welcome! 🙏

Good riddence to NodePort and port forwarding. Next Up… packaging this up into a MacOS app 🍎. Stay tuned! 📺

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